Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Way, WAY too long....

For about the past year, I have been a little MIA on this blog. It has been way, way to long since my last post (hence, the title). However, I've decided that it might be a good idea to get back into the swing of things. My plan is to have a fully functioning blog with frequent posts by the time I graduate college in May 2013 (just getting a head start), that way I will be able to keep people in the know of my new, future, post-college life.

This summer I am at home in Arlington (excuse me, ArlingFUN), and I have two internships. 
-The first is working on the Political Campaign for Dr. Mark Shelton. He is currently serving in the Texas House of Representatives for District 97, but is trying to make the switch over to State Senate for District 10. Yesterday was the Primary Election in Texas, and even with the low voter turnout because it was the day after Memorial, we were still very successful! After a long few weeks of early voting, block walks, phone banking, etc. we came out on top with over 80% of the vote and won the Primary Election. Now we are looking forward at the General Election in November with high hopes of out-seating the Democratic Incumbent, Wendy Davis. Check out his Mark Shelton's website & let me know if you would like to know more about this great candidate!
-The second internship that I have is with SKM Communication Strategies, LLC. I am working for Susan Medina who owns her PR Firm and is based out of Fort Worth, TX. I am just getting started this week with this internship so I'm sure that I will have some exciting experiences to write about in the future. Check out her website as well; she's great at what she does!
I am thrilled to have these two amazing internships this summer. I know that I will learn a lot and gain a lot of experience that will definitely help me in future careers.

I also just got back from a week long vacation where my family and I sailed through the British Virgin Islands on a 62- foot catamaran sail boat. This was such a relaxing vacation, probably the most relaxing trip I have ever been on. Our crew was very sarcastic and fun, the food was delicious, the scenery was beautiful, and the weather was perfect. I read six books that week too (I could have read more had my family not given me a hard time for reading so much). All in all, it was an amazing trip that I would highly recommend to anyone in search of a tropical, relaxing trip.

Here is a picture of my family & I, our boat (in the background) , my friend Abby Grace who joined us (on the left), and my brother's girlfriend Lauren (second from the right) who was along for the ride (excuse me, I mean sail) as well!

That's just a little update of the comings and goings of my life. 

Roll Tide,
Lexi (I'm Lexi, and I know it.)

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